Kybella/Fat dissolver

Kybella is a non-surgical injection technique used to determine the fat content in the area under the chin. This process uses a series of deoxycholic acid injections to target fat cells. No incisions are made, and downtime is minimal in most cases.

Lipolytics are solutions that lead to the destruction of the fat cell membrane and emulsification of fat, which in turn is gradually absorbed and excreted by the lymphatic system.

Lipolytics produce a fairly stable result if the patient leads a healthy lifestyle. After all, no destroyed cells will ever restore, but the existing ones can divide and accumulate fat (with unhealthy lifestyles). Therefore, the durability of the effect depends on the patient.

Kybella (Allergan, USA) is the first FDA-approved preparation for destroying fat in the double chin area.

The efficiency and absolute safety of Kybella injections has been confirmed in two dozen clinical trials of which both had about one and a half thousand patients each. The experiments lasted three to four months. 79% of the patients who got the preparation were satisfied with the results. In the placebo control group, only 33% were satisfied with the treatment results.

How Kybella works:

The procedure is painless; anesthetic cream is applied over the patient’s chin for additional comfort.

The procedure is very simple: the specialist marks the area and makes several injections, the number of which can range from 14 to 50 within one session. The result will be visible after a couple of sessions, but will finally fix after about six visits. The sessions shall be a month apart. More or fewer treatments may be required depending on the condition of your adipose tissue.

Slight swelling and bruising are possible after the procedure, but they will disappear in a couple of days. Sometimes patients feel a little discomfort and pain. Small lumps may appear at the injection site, but they dissolve quickly.

When the entire course is completed, the result will be fixed for a long time.


  • Breastfeeding,
  • Cosmetic procedures,
  • Bleeding disorders,
  • Plans to get pregnant,
  • Difficulty swallowing,
  • Face, neck or chin surgery, and

The procedure is performed by an RN/BSN certified MICHELLE AESTOX specialist.